West Virginia TSA
 West Virginia TSA

Important Information

TSA Facts 2022.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [118.0 KB]
TSA Promotional Video.mp4
MP4 video/audio file [22.9 MB]

Membership Affiliation

Membership Affiliation Policies
Membership Affiliation Policies.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [123.6 KB]

TSA Brochure 

TSA Brochure
2022 TSA Brochure.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [708.6 KB]

State Officer Applications

State Officer Application Forms
Want to run for State Office for the 2025-2026 school year? Fill out this form, and have it postmarked to Nicole Shipman, WV TSA State Advisor at PO Box 798 in Moundsville, WV 26041 by Feb 14, 2025. We can’t wait to see you at the podium!
2023 WV TSA State Officer Application.pd[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [134.6 KB]

Award Applications

Please Click links below for Award Download forms. 


Advisor of the Year Application
If you feel your advisor is the best out there, nominate them for Advisor of the Year. Applications are due by Feb. 14, 2025.
Adobe Acrobat document [123.9 KB]
Community Service Award
Make a difference in your community. Plan a community service project, then tell us about it, and see if you and your chapter members can be the best in the state. Community Service Award applications are due by Feb. 14, 2025.
Adobe Acrobat document [13.6 KB]

WV TSA Scholarships

The West Virginia TSA Advisory Committee is proud to offer three $1,000 scholarships to senior WV TSA members.  Each scholarship focuses on a different aspect of TSA or individual involvment in their chapter or community.  Senior members are encouraged to apply for as few or as many scholarships as they would like.  These scholarshps must be used at a 2- or 4-year institution within the state of West Virginia for a degree in a STEM related field.  Please see individual scholarships for more detailed information on eligibility and application requirement. 


Fred Chavanak Leadership Scholarship
Established to honor the "Father of West Virginia TSA," this scholarship aims to recognize a member who is actively involved and demonstrates exemplary leadership within West Virginia TSA.
Fred Chavanak Leadership Scholarship 202[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [249.6 KB]
Most Outstanding Member Scholarship
This scholarship will be based on overall performance through all competitive events and awards throughout the high school level of involvement in TSA. A point system is used to establish the most outstanding member. Submit your application outlining all your successes within TSA for a chance at this scholarship. See the details in the application for more information.
Most Outstanding Member Scholarship 2024[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [206.1 KB]
Model Citizen Scholarship
Excellence through TSA extends far beyond involvement in the organization. Designed to recognize the individuals that are involved in both TSA and their community, this scholarship looks to highlight the wonderful things our members are doing both in and out of TSA. Detailed information is available on the application.
Model Citizen Scholarship 2024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [249.3 KB]

Business/Industry Donor Information

We are continuing our initiative this year to make sure that every student who wins an opportunity to travel to the national conference will have their registration fee paid. Any donations will also help in deferring some of the costs of trophies and conference expenses at the state level.  


WV TSA is a non-profit organization that aims to help students lead in the techincal world. We hope to fuel the successes of the future's brightest leaders in an ever-changing digital workforce, and would be incredibly grateful for your support!


If you would like to make a donation or sponsor a competition, please check out the forms below! Thank you for your contribution to a brighter future for all of us!


Donation Sponsor Letter from the State Officers
If you would like to donate towards trophies/awards, registration fees, and conference expenses, please follow this link!
Adobe Acrobat document [785.6 KB]
Awards Sponsorship Form
If you would like to sponsor a competition at West Virginia TSA's State Conference, please follow this link!
Awards Sponsorship Form.docx
Microsoft Word document [47.1 KB]
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© West Virginia TSA