January 2022 Newsletter Newletter NO 7.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [595.0 KB]
What TSA Means to Us What does TSA mean to you? Find out what the State Officers have to say and see what helpful tips they have for State Conference. TSA-Jan.mp3 MP3 audio file [13.4 MB]
TSA Podcast: Public Speaking Get to know all the best tips for public speaking directly from WV TSA State Advisor, Ship and WV TSA Judge, Justin Miller. MixedFinal.mp3 MP3 audio file [22.8 MB]
Reflecting on Past Conferences Join the State TSA Officers as they share their favorite memories of from State Conference! TSA-11-12-21-2.wav Wave audio file [64.9 MB]
TSA Podcast: Fall Leadership Conference Tune in right here with State Officers Briann, Rachel, Allison, and Kayla to learn about all things related to Fall Leadership Conference!! TSA Podcast Final.wav Wave audio file [59.9 MB]